The scale of the human enterprise isn't compared to population levels in this analysis. 8 billion Homo rapacious-superstitious create 800% the demand of 1 billion of a mere 200 years ago. Fine tuning technologies, and hoping for voluntary degrowth are not answers. Humans are not exempted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_power_principle

Nature will put us back into balance. The most humane way to do this are pre-pregnancy, pre-birth. Empowering women to control this is fought by patriarchal religions and societies. Indebted governments need more taxpayers, so resist shrinkage. Most businesses are addicted to growth.

Lastly, ~87% of humans live in Asia, Africa, and the Latin-Caribbean, most with values much different than the developed west/north. (N. America, Europe, AU/NZ)

Good luck treating the symptoms of overshoot while the drivers are in plague phase according to ecologists like Bill Rees (developer of Ecological Footprint analysis).

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I am exploring secondary data to study the role ownership and governance play in making a firm an eco-sensitive organization. These views align with my initial hypotheses. Thank you for sharing.

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